AALTO's Zephyr HAPS' Engage capabilities are geared towards government customers, enabling C4ISR and operations management services utilizing integrated, data fusion systems to manage multi-domain missions with aim of delivering decision superiority.

Engage capabilities:

  • Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR)
  • Position Navigation and Timing (PNT)
  • Electronic Support
  • Command, Control, Communications, Computation and Intelligence (C4I)
  • Object Monitoring and Assessment


Why Zephyr HAPS?

Deployment and payload flexibility delivering genuine multi-mission, multi-domain, multi-environment solutions.

  • Low detectability and high survivability
  • Customer service-oriented solutions reducing cost of ownership and inventory complexity
  • Interoperability and multi-domain system of system operations
  • Persistent effects supporting stable, agile operations
  • Continuous low latency data and communications and accurate decision-making

Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR)

Persistent, high-resolution, wide-area surveillance, and imagery/data capture that enhances situational awareness and supports critical decision-making for defence, security, and environmental applications.

Example use cases:

  • Persistent surveillance
  • Border surveillance/patrol
  • Fixed-point/critical infrastructure security
  • Force protection and overwatch
  • Disaster management
  • Maritime surveillance

Position Navigation and Timing (PNT)

Enhance accuracy, mitigate jamming, and/or provide a GPS alternative in traditional global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) denied environments.

Example use cases:

  • Alternative position, navigation, and timing
  • GPS augmentation
  • Signal geolocation
  • Beacon tracking

Electronic Support

Detect, analyse and classify communications, information, and/or electronic systems.

Example use cases:

  • Electronic intelligence (ELINT)
  • Communications intelligence (COMINT)
  • Signal jamming protection
  • Software and network-based cyber protection

Command, Control, Communications, Computation and Intelligence (C4I)

Provide robust, reliable, and continuous communications, C2 node, and analysis capabilities to establish shared situational awareness, enable a common operating picture, and deliver decision superiority in teaming and multi-domain operations.

Example use cases:

  • Ultra-High (UHF/VHF) and ultra-low frequency (ULF) communications
  • Tactical Data Links (Link-16/22)
  • Multi-domain command and control
  • Platform teaming/swarm coordination
  • NATO standard architecture (STANAG)

Object Monitoring and Assessment

Object Monitoring and Assessment

Detect, recognize, identify, locate, and assess for follow-up actions.

Example use cases

  • Object detection and identification
  • Situational assessment
  • Early warning systems


For more information on how AALTO's Zephyr HAPS engage capabilities can support government customers, please contact our Government Sales Team:
